Built and deployed a web application in which users can post images, like other users' posts, comment on their posts, follow other users, view other users' profiles, search other users, reset their passwords, and delete posts.
View ProjectDeployed a web application that allows users to visualize the workings of various sorting algorithms, such as merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort, using column bars to represent a data value.
View ProjectDeployed a web application that visually displays the path found using pathfinding algorithms such as Dijkstra's, breadth-first search, and depth-first search when users add the barriers to the grid.
View ProjectDeveloped an application that authenticates users using Face Identification and uses single or multi-handed gestures from a live video stream to perform functions such as cursor movement and clicking, zooming, scrolling, and changing volume.
View ProjectCreated a CNN model using transfer learning on MobileNetV2 that detects whether or not a person is wearing a face mask. Works on a static image and a live video input stream and can detect when there are multiple people in the frame.
View ProjectA web application where users can search for properties based on city, state, number of bedrooms, price range and much more. There are realtors assigned for all the properties whom the user can contact if he/she is interested in the property.
View Project